
We are pleased you found us in the vast ocean of the world wide web. These pages offer you an introduction to Anthroposophy. Any suggestions, contributions, comments or criticisms are gratefully received. Stefan and Andreas hope you benefit from surfing this site!

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Notiz 27.03.2008Neu

We are sorry to tell you that there will probably no new updates in the future. Thanks everybody for your long term assistance!

Notiz 20.05.2002

It is our pleasure to announce our new advertisement free domain name for these web pages. As from today on our main domain name is http://www.anthroposophen.de. We would like to ask those who have a link to our site to change the URL accordingly. Thank you! Additionaly you will reach us via http://www.anthroposophy.de.
You can still access us through the old domain http://come.to/anthroposophie via a transferral page we have installed. This page will stay online for some time for not so frequent visitors.
Mr. Zimmermann has started the English translation of Rudolf Steiner's biography. To offer the English version of this web site wouldn't have been possible so swift with out his help. Thank you very much!

Notiz 23.03.2002

You might have noticed: we have a new opening page. This is because we now offer an English version in order to reach even more people. We always wanted to do this but we never got round to it due to not having the time.
Recently an enthusiastic reader offered to translate the site step by step. We very much welcomed this offer and accepted it gratefully.
